This week Elise sent me an excellent question on historical projects that can be made with little fabric.
You know…
The 1/2 to 2 yard pieces left over from other projects or the beautiful fabric you had to buy (and did so before you knew how much a period costume would actually use). To Elise, myself and many others it can be frustrating to have to make yet another trip to the fabric store before a new historical costume can even be started.
So what’s possible with small bits hanging around? Here’s some possibilities for you.
- Cover hats & bonnets
- Make self-fabric trim to go onto other garments (like pleats and puffs or small ruffles)
- Cut contrast bias piping
- Cover buttons
- Apply vest insets on bodices
- Sew contrasting collars & cuffs
- Create reticules and other small handbags
- Make parasol covers
- Get creative with millinery & garment flowers from fabric pieces
- Make mockups
- Sew quick poke bags for holding your historical undergarments for storage & travel
- Embroider sections for applique onto other accessories
- Cover Styrofoam balls or heads for decorative hat stands
- Make a Victorian crazy quilt or pillow forms
- Create fast placemats for a tea party
- Save larger pieces for bodice and/or sleeve linings
- Cover shoes to match or contrast an outfit
So many ideas!
It can be challenging to find the right project for the small yardages in the stash. Have fun using yours!
Any other thoughts as what you’d do with yardage under two yards that’s costume related?
Never buy only “as much as you need” if you can afford it. Always buy at least one yard or metre more! You can do so much more with 1.5m, than 0.5m, especially if it is expensive fabric …
Make baby clothes.
Those are great ideas!
Oh this post is perfect. I was going through all my scraps of fabric today and thinking what could I use them for. Thank you!
I vote for more reticules! I have some lavender gingham remnants that I bought to make curtains with. Said curtains never happened. Flirting with the cute guy in my bible study group was waaaaay more important(I totally married him!)
Anyway, I still have the fabric pieces in my stash that I cut out. They were going to be a really pretty, frilly pair of gingham and eyelet curtains for the apartment bedroom I had my first year at university.
Anyway, I see a matching bonnet and reticule set done in lavender gingham and white eyelet.
What do you think about matching your reticule with your bonnet?
The matching purse and hat idea came into fruition in the mid-20th century. Before then, from my research, they were merely complimentary to your outfit or personality.
Make gloves. Even for big hands, you usually only need half a yard or so.
Use cotton scrap for stuffing bustle pads, bum rolls, pillows, bust enhancers, etc. (Just cut it up finely first!)
Shred it down to thread and use it in papermaking!
Wrap gifts.
I love the paper rmaking idea! Thanks!
Hem facings!
Good one!
I make aprons, pockets, sewing kits, bags, cover boxes, needlebooks, pin cushions, and other smalls like that.