Flatlining 19th Century Sleeves

Flatlining – or the process of mounting an underlining to a fashion fabric – is a hallmark of garment construction in the 19th century. You find it everywhere in all decades of this era – in bodices, skirts, collars, reticules… and also sleeves. Essentially, flatlining in these antique pieces is what we’d call putting in a Read More...

Selecting Color Palettes for Your Historical Costumes

You look fabulous in red. Or purple may make your heart sing. But green is calling to you recently. In all the colors we have to play with in creating our historical costumes, how do you decide what to use? What shades are complimentary to each other? Will they “look period”? And how do you Read More...

7 Modern Tools for Every Historical Sewing Room

Consider your sewing area for a moment. What tools or supplies do you use the most? Are some of them unique or specialized? Generic? Perhaps you create with a few of the most basic tools. Since I’ve been sewing for over 30 years, I occasionally get asked what sewing implements are required for my work. Read More...