Being creative creatures we are always striving to better ourselves and our work. Of course, there are always those quick projects where we just want to get it done and ready for the event. Those we simply “cut & paste” using the supplies and abilities we’ve developed over time. But then as I was sewing Read More...
Cleaning & Storing the Costumes We Make
If you’ve been making costumes for any length of time you KNOW the space they take up in the house… the closets… the garage… the bathroom… under the bed… How does a flat bit of fabric suddenly need a stretch limo to take it home? Or its own bedroom to pout in? And what happens Read More...
1887 Summer Berry Trifle Dress
Back in January 2013 I declared it was to be the Year of the Striped and Plaid Bustle Dresses. (Have you participated yet?) During the Fall 2012 session of the Bustle Day Dress Online Class someone had posted a link to striped fabrics over at Farmhouse Fabrics. [insert dream time and drool here…] Through a Read More...
Dealing with Sewing Burnout and Staying Encouraged
We’ve all been there… pushing so hard in our sewing projects that the joy gets sucked out of us. We don’t even want to look at a spool of thread. Burnout happens to all of us. Life gets in the way. We fall into a mode of doing so much for others that we find ourselves Read More...
How to Sew Cartridge Pleats
This tutorial is dedicated to Corinne Pleger who taught me the beauty of cartridge pleating in July 2000. Cartridge pleats are eye-catching! Neat little pleats stacked in a row, stitched together and standing at attention. Those little pleats do a heck of job too with getting an enormous amount of skirt fabric into a tiny Read More...
Understanding How to Use a Needlepoint Tracing Wheel
In high school clothing class I was taught to trace darts, seamlines, button placements, etc. with a round tracing wheel – you know, the one with the blue plastic handle? You cut your fabric then make a mess trying to get that carbon paper in-between the fabric and pattern to mark. Well, I ditched that Read More...
Tips for Whipping up a 1880s Summer Berry Hat
The latest millinery project to come from my sewing room is my 1880s Summer Berry Hat. It was made to complement my all-stripe 1887 Summer Berry Trifle dress (still in progress), and also became the foundation for the 1880s online hat class. Whipping up something this yummy takes a bit of time, the right ingredients, and Read More...
Patterns for the Well-Dressed 19th Century Gentleman
Lest you think we forget our handsome gentlemen around here… Without them where would our Elizabeth Bennet be? What about Molly without her Roger? Or Scarlet without her Ashley AND Rhett? For these dashing men to be appropriately dressed, they must make a visit to their tailor – who probably dressed them to the T Read More...