Planning a Big Costume Project

Yeah… you’ve finally reached that point where you want to tackle a huge project. Something that challenges you. An undertaking that takes your skills to a new level. It may be a trained 1882 dinner dress; a Civil War ball gown; or an embroidered Regency dress. But where to begin? You have a brief idea Read More...

Some Things Are Better Left in the Past

Faux pas: a slip or blunder in etiquette, manners, or conduct; an embarrassing social blunder or indiscretion. Just because you find historically documented proof of something being from the past, be it a dressmaking technique, hair style, manner of speaking, etc., doesn’t mean you *should* use it in your costuming. I mean, really, do we Read More...

Selecting the Correct Bustle to Create the 1870s or 1880s Silhouette You Want

Scrolling through the hundreds of photos of Bustle Era dresses and patterns makes you wonder – so just what goes under that dress to make that silhouette? How does that skirt get into that shape? This period is all about the skirt! It is what defines this era and further divides it into three distinct Read More...

Could a Perfect Fit be Too Tight?

Have you ever thought about how tight your historical clothing should be? Fit is very important for that “look.” However, is there a point where we are so concerned with that “look” that we forget we’re reproducing garments that were intended to be lived in? We see antique, existing clothing on mannequins and fashion sketches Read More...