New collaboration with American Duchess Can I tell you how EXCITED I am to share with you new sewing skills, techniques, and online classes for the *18th century*! Over the years many of my students and followers – perhaps you too – have mentioned you want to break out of the Victorian and Regency eras and start creating Read More...
Tag: Classes
What I Learned from NOT Going to Costume College
Costume College 2016 just ended. If you don’t know about it, it is a 3+ day annual conference held in the Los Angeles area and is for all costumers wanting to “up their game” through learning and being challenged by others. I’ve been attending since 2000 and been teaching since 2004. This year, my plans Read More...
The 1913 Blue Floral Corset
My latest historical costuming project – the first completed in 2016 – is a long-line, late Edwardian corset. Yay for period correct undergarments for a good start to the proper silhouette!! I also made a c.1917 chemise. Here’s my review and how it went together. Read More...
Victorian Corset Class Seat Giveaway April 2014
We are approaching 10,000 fans on our Facebook page and we want to celebrate YOU! In honor of this great milestone, we want to give away a valuable seat in our next online Victorian Corset Class! Congratulations to Julia Allison who won the spot in class!!! You can read all about this popular online class
Costume College 2013 Review
We came, we played, we sewed, we learned, we (didn’t) sleep much, and it was Fantastic!! Simply a great Costume College event! Being my 13th year attending, you would naturally expect some years to be great and some so-so. But honestly, the last few Colleges have been really good! It comes down to “it is Read More...
Costume College 2012
The Golden Age of Hollywood: 1930-1955 It was another spectacular year at Costume College! New friends were made, classes taken, sleep lost, stitches made, food eaten, Time Warp dancing happened and all the other wonderful happenings at this can’t miss event weekend. A huge thank you to the committee and to my friend, Becca Metzger, Read More...
Costume College 2011 Report
What a great weekend! Seriously! Some Costume Colleges go by as ‘blah.’ This one, although it flew by, was a terrific event! It was a blast to meet up with old friends and meet new ones – including many of you who follow me here and on Facebook. Thanks for introducing yourselves to me! I Read More...
Observations from a Steampunk Con Newbie
This past weekend I attending the Inagural Voyage of Z.R.A. Gaslight (aka Gaslight Gathering) in beautiful San Diego, California. It was inspiring and insightful. And FUN! I taught my Victorian Corset Tips & Tricks class which was well-attended. Then sat on panels for both What Women Wore When and Where: Styles During the Victorian Period Read More...