In late summer 2016 Lauren Stowell, creator of American Duchess, announced that plans were in the works for her and her new assistant, Abby Cox, to publish a book on sewing 18th century garments. Whoo-hoo!! The shouts were audible from her friends and followers. Since I focus primarily on 19th century sewing but have wanted Read More...
Tag: Books
Did you hear the (18th Century) news?
New collaboration with American Duchess Can I tell you how EXCITED I am to share with you new sewing skills, techniques, and online classes for the *18th century*! Over the years many of my students and followers – perhaps you too – have mentioned you want to break out of the Victorian and Regency eras and start creating Read More...
Book Review: Regency Women’s Dress
This book, Regency Women’s Dress: Techniques and Patterns 1800-1830 by Cassidy Percoco, had been on my radar for a couple months after first stumbling upon it on Amazon last August. I waited for the release date of October 1st only to have it appear as “out of stock.” Sigh…. So when it was available again Read More...
Books obtained at Costume College 2014
Every year in my Costume College budget planning I give myself some spending money for books. Because… BOOKS! Some years are rather dry of good resources to pick up; others – too many to narrow down the purchase. This year I managed to find four that needed to come home with me: one that’s been Read More...
Another Top 10 Book List for Your Sewing Library
Books!! One can never have enough of these good friends. You already know of the Top 10 Books I recommend. Here’s another lot for your bookshelf – to learn from, ogle, and share with friends (well… maybe). Read More...
Top 10 Resource Books for Your Sewing Library
Ahh… books. Those friends for life. And no matter how long you’ve been sewing, you probably have a few of these friends around. Some are undoubtedly better than others. A few belong in the Goodwill donation stack. Others you would grab in case of fire. While there are dozens of really good books on sewing Read More...