When Your Bustle Poufs Just Don’t Lay Right

The event was lovely. Everyone was perfectly attired in their best bustle wear. Laughter resounded throughout the night, goodies were consumed with delight and smiles were shared for hours. Then you get home and upload the pictures to your laptop…. Oi! “Why didn’t anyone tell me my bustle was protruding from my left hip?! I Read More...

Conquering Velvet: 24 Tips to Ease Your Fears of Working With This Majestic Textile

  Oh the beauty of luxurious, silky smooth velvet! Oh the headache of trying to make something with it! Most costumers I’ve run into have fallen in love with at least one garment made from velvet. It’s so beautiful. One of my favorites is the burgundy cut velvet one from the Kyoto Costume Institute.   Read More...

Demystifying Bustle Skirt Poufs

If you’ve never made a bustle dress they can look quite intimidating. The complicated fabrics swirling every which direction; the tightly-fitted bodice with a tail that floats on the skirt; the trimming that knocks you sideways with its complexity. But under it all are actually some basic shapes. Drill down and that skirt is just Read More...