The event was lovely. Everyone was perfectly attired in their best bustle wear. Laughter resounded throughout the night, goodies were consumed with delight and smiles were shared for hours. Then you get home and upload the pictures to your laptop…. Oi! “Why didn’t anyone tell me my bustle was protruding from my left hip?! I Read More...
Conquering Velvet: 24 Tips to Ease Your Fears of Working With This Majestic Textile
Oh the beauty of luxurious, silky smooth velvet! Oh the headache of trying to make something with it! Most costumers I’ve run into have fallen in love with at least one garment made from velvet. It’s so beautiful. One of my favorites is the burgundy cut velvet one from the Kyoto Costume Institute. Read More...
Because Every Woman Needs a Red Dress…
Do you like red? Have you made any costumes in red? Great! If you have, you have inspired me to take on my own red costume project. I don’t naturally gravitate towards reds. Blues, purples and pinks float my boat. So I’m taking the challenge to put some sort of red costume into my historical Read More...
Tips & Tools to Reduce Stress During Fittings
My arms were growing tired as they twisted up and over my shoulder. I was trying to pin in a new shoulder seam with the bodice front & back sections draped over my shoulder. It’s not easy, though, when that shoulder seam angles from the neckline down to the back of the arm. Sheesh! Of Read More...
A Duct Tape Double Dressform
I’ve had several people ask me about my Duct Tape Double dressform. (You may have seen it in some of the photos I post.) Here is how the dressform came about. A couple years ago I decided I wasn’t going to procrastinate any longer, wasn’t going to wait until I lost those few extra pounds, Read More...
A Happy Feast on Thanksgiving
I’m known as one of those people who eat to live. It’s true. Just give me the dinner plate and let me eat so I can get back to work. It’s a good thing my husband knows how to cook! But when the holidays come around I get busy in the kitchen. Not roasting turkey Read More...
Demystifying Bustle Skirt Poufs
If you’ve never made a bustle dress they can look quite intimidating. The complicated fabrics swirling every which direction; the tightly-fitted bodice with a tail that floats on the skirt; the trimming that knocks you sideways with its complexity. But under it all are actually some basic shapes. Drill down and that skirt is just Read More...
Stop Wrestling With The Ruffles!
Am I done yet? Ugh! The never ending strip of fabric kept coming over the ironing board edge where I was hunched over pressing and pressing up one long edge for a hem. Have you made a petticoat and just gone crazy with getting the thing decorated with ruffles? Or do you shy away from Read More...