The Potential of a New Sewing Room

It’s been nearly six months in the making. At least… on the current journey. You see, recently I moved back to my hometown after “traveling the world” (i.e. living in various places around the country) for 30 years. It’s been an adventure indeed! My husband and I had talked about moving (again) since early 2021. Read More...

Podcast 014: Bringing Historical Fashion into Your Modern Wardrobe

Perhaps you’ve been thinking about how to incorporate your love of historical fashion with your everyday lifestyle but find it challenging to wear a bustle dress to your weekly grocery store outing. You are not alone! So many of us in the historical costuming community have – for years! – been trying to add those Read More...

Podcast 012: The Value of Mundane Sewing

Not every project needs to be a BIG one. Even in the process of sewing basic things there is the advantage of keeping the mind fresh, exploring new techniques, and finding the joy again – with no pressure to “perform.” In this quick episode Jennifer gives a dose of encouragement where even if your current Read More...