Are you one that scrambles as you pack for a costume event? Stress levels go up. And that gnawing feeling that you’ll forget something important.
Many years ago I discovered a handy way to keep track of all my costume ensembles for Costume College in both the prep and packing, as well as the wearing during the weekend. (To note: Costume College is a full, four day conference where packing multiple costumes are most attendee’s thing even though no costumes are required at all as it’s a learning weekend.)
It’s hard work keeping track of ALLLLLLL the costume pieces, accessories, jewelry, undergarments, and such for so many dress up sessions.

Now, I’m a list maker. But a lot of costumers aren’t. (My apologies here if lists drive you nuts.)
However, with even a truncated checklist, your packing for a big event like Costume College won’t result in the mad dash the day before you travel and will make dressing at the event a bit smoother. This method will especially help those of us who aren’t as adept at remembering things as we used to. lol
Essentially, you dress yourself on paper prior to packing.
Sometime between two weeks and three months out from the conference I will nail down what outfits I will wear each day. This includes: day wear, evening events, and any other special meet-ups or classes I may be involved in.
I’m one to wear costumes or modern clothes with historical hats during the day at Costume College. The ensembles will depend on my teaching schedule, desired classes to attend, and other activities.

Taking this initial plan of daily clothes, I start my packing list. For me, I use 5×7 note pads, one page per day or event. My first page is always the general travel stuff – snacks, cash, medicine, underwear, pj’s, toiletries, hair tools/products, wigs/hairpieces, safety pins, etc. It also includes all registration materials I’ve received, class schedule, pens, business cards, and phone charger.
My travel days on Thursday and Monday aren’t crucial to this detailed packing organization, however, I still include a section for them just so I remember to assemble an outfit for those days.
Then each day or activity gets a page/section: Thursday day (travel), Thursday Welcome Party, Friday day, Friday Evening Social, etcetera through the weekend. Sometimes my Saturday gala and/or Sunday tea costumes will take the full page. So, if you’re wearing modern clothes for the entire event except for the gala, list those outfits but make a detailed page for your gala ensemble.

Here’s where you can get as anal retentive as you’d like. For me, I write out ALL pieces I will dress in for that event/day. If I’m teaching or taking a class that requires supplies, for that daytime section I list my clothes items but also write down what things I need to have with me at that time for the class.
For the Welcome Party, gala, Sunday breakfast and tea, I spend the time to write out everything I need for each ensemble, from the undergarments and corset out to main dress, hairstyle (specific hairpieces), jewelry pieces, headwear, gloves, shoes/stockings, reticule, etc. Basically I dress myself on paper listing everything for the full outfit.

Yes, this takes time. It takes a moment to get a bit organized.
However, the beauty of doing this prep work is two-fold:
1) I use my detailed written pages as my Packing Checklist. Because of forward thinking I don’t have a last-minute crisis decision of what to pack (e.g. white gloves or ivory?). If my gala plan switches down to Plan B or C at anytime before leaving for Costume College I’ll re-write that section with the new costume and accessories needed. If I want to wait to decide on glove color, I’ll write both options down so that both get packed.
2) The list goes with me to the hotel and I use it as a second Dressing Checklist as I’m getting ready for that day/event.
This may all seem like overkill to some, but for those of us who can forget things, wait until the last minute, or are wild packers, a simple list can be a lifesaver!
Plus, it’s SO much easier to make a packing list in the (relative) calm few weeks before an event rather than try to remember everything when you’re late running out the door. Try dressing yourself on paper and be confident that you’ll not miss anything in your suitcase. Happy Dressing!

I do this sort of thing for costumed LARP events. I type up my list and as I pack, I italicize the stuff I’ve already placed in my suitcase, and bold the stuff I can’t find yet or plan to buy day of. My lists get broken down into sections, one for each costume, mundane clothes for travel, and everything else. It also helps for repacking. I definitely agree that making the list when you’re not rushing to get ready to go helps a lot. To create the lists, I mentally visualize each costume starting from the head moving down to the feet; this usually helps me avoid forgetting things like hats, shoes, and belts.
Exactly my process too. And yes, SO important to try to make the packing list when not rushed!
I do this too but I use a spreadsheet saved to my Google drive so if I’m out and about or at work and remember something I can add it easily without worrying I’ll forget it again.
So smart! I’m still a pencil/paper girl for some things. (And give me a paper book over a Kindle any day! lol)
For each costume, I have a plastic storage box that holds undergarments, accessories, makeup, hairpieces, etc. I create a list of all the components for the entire costume and tape that to the inside of the lid. When it comes time to pack, everything I need is in that list. The smaller pieces are packed in a labeled ziplock bag.
When I get home, I use the checklist to ensure all the parts made it home, replace consumables, etc.
Making sure all the pieces come home is important!
What would happen if you made a “master” card for each costume you have? Take a 4×6 card, use your dress name (I love how you name your costumes!) and list the options. You might list something like “Raspberry Cream-A”, “Raspberry Cream-B” etc. Store the cards in a box designed for that purpose. Then, when you are getting ready for the event, just pull out the card.
Great idea! And yes, too, because we like to change up accessories with a main garment. The cards would be great for this.
Thank you for the reminder to start my outfit lists! I live 10min away from the hotel, so I’m not staying at the hotel, but I still need to get everything organized to minimize the last minute stress.
I commuted in my first year (2000!) and it was still important to make sure I had everything together. Of course, that was before I got my “system” down for being organized while packing.
I use packing lists too! I also keep mine for the future so that if I rewear the costume I know what all the pieces are and don’t have to figure out the list again. For CoCo, in addition to the lists for each outfit I also have a “master list” that looks something like “suitcase, 3 tote bags, one hat box, etc.” so I can make sure I don’t leave a piece of luggage behind.
Oh! Good idea on the list of bags and such.