Take a fork and just dig in!
It seems most of the historical costumers I meet have three things in common.
1. Fabric-holic tendencies
2. Cats in the sewing room
3. A passionate love of chocolate
A sometimes MAD passion for the delicious 5th food group.
I posted on the Facebook wall that I happened to be baking my famous brownies. (You can’t eat these without a glass of milk!) So with several requests for the recipe, here it is.
It was taken from a bag of King Arthur Flour.
The Best Fudge Brownies Ever – yes, that’s the title, and yes they live up to the name.
I like to use Hershey’s Special Dark cocoa powder and real vanilla. WOW! It’s just what you need.
You could also use dark chocolate chips, but the Nestle semi-sweet work just fine. Make sure you grease the pan well – not just lightly as the recipe states. I’ve found it doesn’t make too much of a difference it taste but it does make them easier to remove. I use a 9 x 13 glass pan.
Do you like to bake brownies? What’s your favorite recipe? Please share below.
And don’t you think you get more sewing done when there’s chocolate? Maybe it inspires the mind to come up with new creative designs or an easier method to apply that ruched trim….
For ‘historical accuracy’, a website with fun little excerpts from historical books recently quoted a book from 1889, which suggested that buisnesswomen should occasionally pack themselves a chocolate sandwich for lunch.
I’m diabetic. Do you know a good sugar-free brownie recipe? I do miss them terribly. I can adjust my diet for ice cream, but brownies (good ones! Why bother with anything else?) drive my blood sugar into the stratosphere.
Whenever I have a team working for me, I always have a selection of dark chocolate and fresh fruit. That’s how a show gets built!
I love the Ghirardelli chocolate-and-cocoa recipe, but the new Trader Joe’s pre-mixed brownies (imported from France, ooh-la-la) in a pouch (squeeze into a greased pan and bake) are the hands-down fastest way to homebaked chocolate nirvana — and with nary a bowl to wash!