Should You Sew Side Seams Last?

A current idea floating around to aid in getting closures lined up properly is to do them first. In other words, you finish the center front or center back fastenings first, then in your bodice construction you leave the side seams open until the very end. This allows you to fit at the side seams Read More...

How Do You Know It’s a 1870s Bustle Dress?

First off, the girly-girls really get to have a party in the Seventies! If you’ve seen the first half of The Buccaneers you’ll know what I’m talking about. Even if you’re a tomboy and play softball with your skirts hiked up, you’ll still experience what “playing dress up” is all about. My first dreams of Read More...

Not Inclined to Dance, I can’t move my arms – Ease-y Does It – Part 3

  I’ve sewn way too many garments (both historical and modern) where the sleeve was just a little too tight around the upper arm limiting my movement. This is especially frustrating after valuable time was spent adjusting the pattern in the first place. Wrapping up our Ease-y Does It series for adding Historical Ease to Read More...

Can’t get those buttons closed? Ease-y does it – Part 2

  Ever have that moment when you’re dressing for an event only to put on your bodice and the front doesn’t close? And you’re cinched down in your corset as far as you can go? Yeah, me too. You know the mockup was perfect. You spent hours fine tuning the darts and armhole. Now it Read More...

Seamlines of 1860s Fashions

As I browse through the myriad of fashions in my Godey’s Lady’s Books from the 1860s, I take note that underneath all the ruffles, rows of velvet bands, trim panels, fringe and other various items, the shape of the dresses themselves stays relatively the same. Honestly, if you study any mainstream fashion you’ll notice the Read More...