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December 2021
After a wonderful seven years, I’ve decided to close the online store Old Petticoat Shop. One large reason being that a large pattern line we carried moved into offering only digital PDF patterns a few months ago, discontinuing their print versions.
Also, as my service to the community at large is changing and pivoting into new adventures (yay!), it is in the best interest to close so I can focus my time and energy into the new Emma Lily Designs brand and products. Exciting things are a-foot as I’m led into creating a new pattern line with updated tutorials and online classes.
Online sewing and historical costuming classes are available at the Historical Sewing School.
Note on the Historical Sewing PDF workbooks and handbooks:
These are still available! All of the digital items have moved to our renewed Etsy shop and will continue to be available there indefinitely.
If you have purchased digital handbooks and/or workbooks in the Old Petticoat Shop in the past but have not downloaded the files please contact me with name and email address used for the order and the item(s) you purchased. If you have an order number from the Shop that will help us immensely in locating your order faster. WE WANT TO SERVE OUR CUSTOMERS AND WILL MAKE SURE YOU RECEIVE YOUR FILES!
THANK YOU SO MUCH for allowing me to serve you over the years!! We have shipped all over the world and it was lovely to meet and assist so many of you on your sewing journey.
Blessings to you at the close of this chapter and as we all move forward.
Jennifer Rosbrugh, owner 🙂